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Applicable EditionsTapData CloudTapData Cloud offers you cloud services that are suitable for scenarios requiring rapid deployment and low initial investment, helping you focus more on business development rather than infrastructure management. Free trial with TapData Cloud.TapData EnterpriseTapData Enterprise can be deployed in your local data center, making it suitable for scenarios with strict requirements on data sensitivity or network isolation. It can serve to build real-time data warehouses, enable real-time data exchange, data migration, and more.TapData CommunityTapData Community is an open-source data integration platform that provides basic data synchronization and transformation capabilities. This helps you quickly explore and implement data integration projects. As your project or business grows, you can seamlessly upgrade to TapData Cloud or TapData Enterprise to access more advanced features and service support.

Dameng Database Management System (DM) is a new generation of large-scale general-purpose relational databases, providing comprehensive support for SQL standards and mainstream programming language interfaces/development frameworks. It adopts row-column hybrid storage technology, achieving a balance between OLAP and OLTP, and satisfying the needs of HTAP hybrid application scenarios.

After completing the Agent deployment, you can follow this tutorial to add a Dameng data source in TapData Cloud, and subsequently use it as either a source or a target database to build data pipelines.

Supported Versions

DM 7.x, 8.x

Maturity Stage

Beta Data Source
The Beta Data Source is currently in public preview and has undergone thorough testing, including basic test cases and integration test cases. However, it has not yet completed the TapData certification test process.


Before connecting to the Dameng database, you need to complete some preparatory work regarding database account authorization:

As a Source Database

  1. Log in to the Dameng database with an account that has DBA privileges.

  2. Execute the following commands in sequence to create a user for data replication/transformation tasks.

    CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY "password" DEFAULT TABLESPACE table_space_name;
    • username: The username.
    • password: The password.
    • table_space_name: The tablespace name.
  3. Grant permissions to the newly created account. You can also customize permission control based on your business needs.

    -- Replace the username in the following command with the actual username
    GRANT dba TO username;

    -- Or use the following more fine-grained authorization
    GRANT SELECT ON "SYS"."V$RLOG" TO username;
  4. To capture data changes in the source database for incremental synchronization, you need to enable the database archiving function and archived logs by following these steps:


    You can also execute the SELECT para_name, para_value FROM v$dm_ini WHERE para_name IN ('ARCH_INI','RLOG_APPEND_LOGIC'); command to check if this function is already enabled. If the value in the PARA_VALUE column is 1, it means the function is enabled, and you can skip this step.

    -- Change the database status to MOUNT

    -- Configure local archiving; the specified directory will be created automatically if it does not exist
    -- FILE_SIZE represents the archive file size, space_limit represents the space size limit
    ALTER DATABASE ADD ARCHIVELOG 'DEST = /bak/dmdata/dameng, TYPE = local, FILE_SIZE = 1024, SPACE_LIMIT = 0';

    -- Enable archiving mode

    -- Enable supplemental logging; if there are primary key columns, only the primary key column information will be recorded when UPDATE/DELETE is performed

    -- Change the database status to OPEN

As a Target Database

  1. Log in to the Dameng database with an account that has DBA privileges.

  2. Execute the following commands in sequence to create a user for data replication/transformation tasks.

    CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY "password" DEFAULT TABLESPACE table_space_name;
    • username: The username.
    • password: The password.
    • table_space_name: The tablespace name.
  3. Grant permissions to the newly created account. You can also customize permission control based on your business needs.

    -- Replace the username in the following command with the actual username

Adding a Data Source

  1. Log in to TapData Platform.

  2. In the left navigation bar, click Connections.

  3. Click Create on the right side of the page.

  4. In the pop-up dialog box, search and select Dameng.

  5. On the redirected page, fill in the connection information for the Dameng database according to the following instructions:

    • Connection Basic Settings
      • Connection Name: Fill in a unique name that has business significance.
      • Connection Type: Supports Dameng as a source or target database.
      • Host: The database connection address.
      • Port: The service port of the database.
      • Database: Database name, a connection corresponding to a database, if there are multiple databases, you need to create multiple connections.
      • Schema: The schema name. When creating a database user, Dameng database will automatically create a schema with the same name as the username (in uppercase). If you need to connect to multiple schemas, you need to create multiple data connections.
      • username: The database username.
      • Password: The database password.
      • Connection Parameters: Additional connection parameters, default is empty.
      • Time Zone: Defaults to the time zone used by the database, but you can also manually specify it based on business needs.
    • Advanced Settings
      • Include Tables: Defaults to All. You can also choose to customize and enter the tables to include, separated by commas (,).
      • Exclude Tables: Turn on this switch to set tables to exclude, separated by commas (,).
      • Agent settings: Defaults to Platform Automatic Allocation, you can also manually specify an agent.
      • Model load time: If there are less than 10,000 models in the data source, their information will be updated every hour. But if the number of models exceeds 10,000, the refresh will take place daily at the time you have specified.
      • Enable heartbeat table: This switch is supported when the connection type is set as the Source&Target or Source. TapData Cloud will generate a table named tapdata_heartbeat_table in the source database, which is used to monitor the source database connection and task health.

        After referencing and starting the data replication/development task, the heartbeat task will be activated. At this point, you can click View heartbeat task to monitor the task.

  6. Click Test. After the test passes, click Save.


    If the connection test fails, follow the prompts on the page to fix it.