Data as Service Mode
📄️ Enable Real-Time Data Hub
Due to digital transformation, the presence of isolated data, data fragmentation, or data silos has emerged as a significant challenge. Moreover, there is a growing demand for data in business operations. However, traditional data delivery methods pose limitations, such as lengthy processes and substantial resource requirements. This situation calls for a solution that enables organizations to swiftly establish data flow pipelines and unlock the value of their data.
📄️ DaaS Dashboard
Once the data service platform mode is activated, the page will be organized according to the previously mentioned hierarchy. You can effortlessly drag the table to the next level, which will automatically create data replication tasks and streamline the data flow.
📄️ Automatic Data Flow with One Click
In the Data Service Platform Mode, you can simply drag the source table to the required level to generate a data pipeline and automatically start the task, greatly simplifying the task configuration process. This article describes how to achieve the flow of data between different levels and finally provide it to the terminal business.