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API Authentication

Applicable EditionsTapData EnterpriseTapData Enterprise can be deployed in your local data center, making it suitable for scenarios with strict requirements on data sensitivity or network isolation. It can serve to build real-time data warehouses, enable real-time data exchange, data migration, and more.

TapData's API authentication service is based on the OAuth 2.0 mechanism, with default support for client credentials and implicit authorization methods. You can select the authorization method when creating a client. This article introduces the API authentication process, including how to obtain access tokens, to help you quickly utilize the API service.

Obtaining Access Tokens​

Request URL​

http://{TapData server address}:3030/oauth/token

Request Parameters​

grant_typeStringYesFixed value: client_credentials
client_idStringYesClient ID obtained when registering the client
client_secretStringYesClient secret obtained when registering the client

Response Parameters​

access_tokenStringYesToken to access the API Server
expires_inStringYesExpiration time
refresh_tokenStringNoUsed to update the access_token
token_typeStringNoToken authentication method for the API Server, default is Bearer

Calling APIs with the Access Token​

The client must provide the access_token for authentication with each API call. The access_token can be included in the request header, request body, or URL parameters; alternatively, you can use the Bearer method to add the access_token to the authentication request header, and the API Server will automatically retrieve and validate the permissions.

API Key Method​

Add the access_token parameter in the request header, request body, or request url:

access_token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjbGllbnRJZCI6ImI1********

Bearer Method​

Add the authorization parameter in the request header:

Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjbGllbnRJ********

Common Response Status Codes​

Response CodeDescription
200Successful return for findById, findPage, create, custom methods, and requests.
204Successful return for updateById, deleteById requests.
500Internal server error, common errors include violating unique constraints, MongoDB Validate failure, etc.
401Authentication failure, access token expired or not provided.
404Operation data does not exist, such as deleting, updating, or querying non-existent records.