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Build Real-Time Materialized Views (Beta)

Applicable EditionsTapData CloudTapData Cloud offers you cloud services that are suitable for scenarios requiring rapid deployment and low initial investment, helping you focus more on business development rather than infrastructure management. Free trial with TapData Cloud.TapData EnterpriseTapData Enterprise can be deployed in your local data center, making it suitable for scenarios with strict requirements on data sensitivity or network isolation. It can serve to build real-time data warehouses, enable real-time data exchange, data migration, and more.TapData CommunityTapData Community is an open-source data integration platform that provides basic data synchronization and transformation capabilities. This helps you quickly explore and implement data integration projects. As your project or business grows, you can seamlessly upgrade to TapData Cloud or TapData Enterprise to access more advanced features and service support.

Materialized views are specialized database object that cache the results of intricate queries, thereby accelerating data retrieval. With TapData, you can craft real-time materialized views across diverse data sources. This not only ensures accuracy and immediacy of data but also streamlines data management and application development.


In the era of exponential data growth, enterprises and developers grapple with complex data management challenges. Conventional data handling, such as manually managing and syncing various related tables, is inefficient and poses risks to data consistency. Thus, effective and real-time data integration tools become paramount.

TapData's real-time materialized view feature is designed to address these challenges, seamlessly integrating varied data sources. It ensures that the view is auto-updated whenever there's a change in the source data, preserving its timeliness and accuracy. This real-time and automated nature greatly diminishes data management complexities while boosting query efficiency.

To demonstrate its practicality, let's consider an e-commerce platform. Order management is central to such platforms, with critical tables like orders, sub-orders, products, user info, and logistics. Assuming the team chooses MongoDB, and aims to merge the data from these tables into a new 'order' table, TapData makes this task effortless.

Next, we'll detail how to employ TapData's real-time materialized view feature in an e-commerce context, to grasp its potency.


  1. Log in to TapData Platform.

  2. In the left navigation panel, click Data Transformation.

  3. Click Build Materialized View on the right, leading you to the task configuration page.

    1. Select the database and table for your materialized view. In this case, choose the order table.

      Select main table

    2. As we intend to include user info, product tables, etc., first click + Add Field and select Embedded Document, naming the field user.

    3. In the popped field editor, sequentially set the associated database, table, and relation conditions. In our case, link to the users table via user_id.

      After setup, the orders table will feature an embedded document field named user.

      Add fields

    4. Add a sub_orders field for storing sub-order info. Click + Add Field on the orders table, choose Embedded Array, name it sub_orders, and follow the previous step for table and relation conditions.

    5. Add product and logistics info inside the sub_orders field. This time, click + Add Field on the sub_orders table, select Flatten, then complete the table and relation conditions.

      Once all setups are done, the relationships appear as depicted below. The orders table now encapsulates all the table info.

      Materialized view overview

  4. Click the + Write Target at the top right of the orders table editor, then select the MongoDB data source and collection name.

    As shown below, on the right, you can view the field types and details of the target collection order_view.

    Select target table

  5. Click the X icon at the top left to return to the task configuration page. Click Start at the top right to finalize the real-time materialized view setup.

    Once initiated, we'll be redirected to the task monitor page, where you can observe the task's RPS (Records Per Second), latency, events, and more.

    View task