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Expand MongoDB Arrays to MySQL in Real Time with TapFlow

TapFlow offers powerful data transformation and processing capabilities, enabling seamless conversion of nested array structures in document models to relational table structures. This guide demonstrates how to unfold nested arrays from MongoDB documents and synchronize them in real-time with MySQL flat tables, supporting efficient relational database queries and data analysis.


In modern e-commerce applications, order information typically includes multiple payment records, product items, and customer details. These datasets are often stored in NoSQL databases like MongoDB in a nested array format, simplifying design and querying on the application side. However, when performing complex analytics or integrating data into other relational systems, this structure presents challenges.

In this example, an e-commerce company aims to conduct independent analysis of order payment records to generate detailed reports and multidimensional statistics for better business decision-making. However, generating reports from MongoDB’s nested array structure proves inefficient and incompatible with relational database analytics, resulting in complex query logic and slow performance. Example data is shown below:

"_id": ObjectId("66f7e633f72882271da1a2ec"),
"order_id": "0005a1a1728c9d785b8e2b08b904576c",
"customer_id": "16150771dfd4776261284213b89c304e",
"order_status": "delivered",
"order_payments": [
"payment_type": "credit_card",
"payment_installments": 3,
"payment_value": 157.60,
"payment_sequential": 1,
"order_id": "0005a1a1728c9d785b8e2b08b904576c"

To support traditional relational analysis requirements, we propose a solution using TapFlow to expand MongoDB’s nested order arrays (e.g., order_payments) into independent rows in MySQL, ensuring that analytical teams can leverage SQL queries to generate efficient reports and perform data mining. The flow is as follows:

Real-Time Expansion of MongoDB Arrays with TapFlow

Additionally, TapFlow’s real-time sync capabilities ensure that MySQL reflects the latest data from MongoDB, helping the company improve query performance while maintaining data freshness, thus enabling the analytics team to access timely business data and make informed decisions.


Install Tap Shell and configure MySQL and MongoDB data sources as described in Quick Start.


Next, we demonstrate how to expand the order_payments array and rename fields for easier identification.

  1. Enter Tap Shell by running tap in the command line.

  2. Create a data flow task named MySQL_to_MongoDB_Order and set order_collection as the data source.

    # Create data flow task object and set source collection
    Unwind_MongoDB_Array = Flow("MySQL_to_MongoDB_Order") \
  3. Run the following command to call the include method, selecting only the order_payments array field, and then apply flat_unwind to expand the array, converting each order_payments item into an individual row. Fields are separated by underscores (_).

    # Retain and expand only the order_payments array field
    Unwind_MongoDB_Array.include("order_payments") \
    .flat_unwind(path="order_payments", index_name="", array_elem="OBJECT", joiner="_")
  4. Use rename_fields to remove prefixes from field names, aligning them with the MySQL target table’s naming conventions.

    # Rename fields to simplify field names
    "order_payments_order_id": "order_id",
    "order_payments_payment_type": "payment_type",
    "order_payments_payment_installments": "payment_installments",
    "order_payments_payment_value": "payment_value",
    "order_payments_payment_sequential": "payment_sequential"
  5. Specify the MySQL target table unwind_order_payments and set primary keys order_id and payment_sequential for data updates. Save the current data flow configuration.

    # Specify MySQL target table and save task configuration
    Unwind_MongoDB_Array.write_to("MySQL_Demo.unwind_order_payments", pk=["order_id", "payment_sequential"]).save()

    If the target table does not exist, TapFlow will automatically create it.

  6. Start the data flow task.

    # Start the data flow task

    After the task starts, TapFlow continuously captures changes in the MongoDB source and transforms each order_payments array element, synchronizing it in real-time with the MySQL target table.

  7. While the task runs, you can check the task status and statistics using the command status MySQL_to_MongoDB_Order.

    Additionally, you can monitor the task status through the Web UI.


Log in to the target MySQL database and query the unwind_order_payments table:

-- View transformed table data
SELECT * FROM unwind_order_payments LIMIT 1;

The example result below shows each element in the order_payments array converted into a separate row with clear and intuitive field names, facilitating subsequent queries and maintenance.

-- Example query result
ORD001 | 1| 1|credit_card | 150|