Tap Shell Reference
Tap Shell offers a comprehensive set of commands for managing data sources and data flow tasks. This document provides detailed instructions on how to use these commands. For automated management of data sources and data flow tasks via API, please refer to the API Reference Guide.
Manage Data Sourcesβ
show dbsβ
Command Description: List all connected data sources, including connection ID, status, database type, and data source name.
tap> show dbs
id status database_type name
4fa6c6 ready MongoDB MongoDB_ECommerce
4fa6c1 ready Mysql MySQL_ECommerce
use <db_name>β
Command Description: Select a data source for further operations, such as viewing tables.
tap> use MySQL_ECommerce
datasource switch to: MySQL_ECommerce
show tablesβ
Command Description: After selecting a data source, use this command to list all tables in the current database.
tap> show tables
ecom_customers ecom_order_items ecom_order_payments ecom_orders ecom_product_category
ecom_products ecom_sellers
desc <table_name>β
Command Description: After selecting a data source, use this command to view the schema information of a specific table (such as column types).
tap> desc ecom_customers
"customer_id": "varchar(255)",
"customer_unique_id": "varchar(255)",
"customer_zip_code_prefix": "varchar(255)",
"customer_city": "varchar(255)",
"customer_state": "varchar(255)"
peek <table_name>β
Command Description: After selecting the data source, this command allows you to preview a few records from a specified table along with its total row count. By default, it displays 5 records, but you can specify the number of records to display using the -n
Usage Example:
tap> peek ecom_customers -n 1
table ecom_customers has 99002 records
{'customer_unique_id': '248ffe10d632bebe4f7267f1f44844c9', 'customer_state': 'SP', 'customer_id': '00012a2ce6f8dcda20d059ce98491703', 'customer_zip_code_prefix': '06273', 'customer_city': 'CITY_osasco'}
count <table_name>β
Command Description: After selecting a data source, use this command to view the row count of a specific table.
tap> count ecom_customers
table ecom_customers has 99002 records
Manage Data Flow Tasksβ
show flowsβ
Command Description: Lists all data flow tasks, including task names, statuses, and synchronization types (e.g., initial_sync for full data synchronization and cdc for incremental synchronization).
tap> show flows
d7c298: Oracle_Sync_Test complete sync/initial_sync+cdc
status <flow name/id>β
Command Description: Displays runtime statistics for a data synchronization task.
tap> status MySQL_A_to_B
job current status is: running, qps is: 31808.0, total rows: 1300000, delay is: 706ms
start <flow name/id>β
Command Description: Starts the specified data flow task. By default, the first run will perform a full data synchronization, followed by incremental synchronization. If the task is configured as full-only, it will complete a single full synchronization; if incremental-only, it will begin at the specified starting point or current time.
tap> start MySQL_A_to_B
Task start succeed
stop <flow name/id>β
Command Description: Stops the specified data flow task, which will resume from the last incremental point on the next start.
tap> stop MySQL_A_to_B
Task stop succeed
logs <flow name/id>β
Command Description: Displays logs for the specified data flow task.
tap> logs Oracle_Sync_Test
{'id': '671f9c54cc9caf4b1cb1942b', 'customId': '638af042703dd67b8fb63af8', 'level': 'INFO', 'timestamp': 1730124884471, 'date': '2024-10-28T14:14:43.568+00:00', 'taskId': '668f197a37800f4b2a167806', 'taskRecordId': '671f9bee548ec6691e89681c', 'taskName': 'MySQL_A_to_B', 'nodeId': '4eb098ee-19f8-4e63-a7bf-9d7e726c62ea', 'nodeName': 'Region_A', 'message': 'Node Region_A[4eb098ee-19f8-4e63-a7bf-9d7e726c62ea] start preload schema,table counts: 1', 'logTags': [], 'data': [], 'user_id': '638af042c162f518b1b9bdf4'}
reset <flow name/id>β
Command Description: Clears synchronization progress of the specified data flow task, and the task will restart from scratch on the next start.
tap> reset MySQL_B_to_A
Task reset success
delete <flow name/id>β
Command Description: Deletes the specified data flow task
This action is irreversible. Proceed with caution.
tap> delete MySQL_to_MongoDB_Order
Are you sure you want to delete flow MySQL_to_MongoDB_Order (y/[n]): y
Task deleted successfully