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Data Source APIs

This document explains how to create a new data source connection in TapFlow, which serves as the source and target for subsequent flow tasks. Additionally, you can manage data sources through the interface for convenience based on your preferences.


TapFlow supports dozens of common data sources. You can configure a data source by setting the name, type, and config parameters. Configuration details, required permissions, and parameter descriptions vary by data source type. For more information, see Connect Data Sources.

Parameter Descriptions

  • name: Data source name, following variable naming conventions.
  • type: Data source type. Options include source (as source database), target (as target database), and source_and_target (as both source and target).
  • config: Data source connection parameters, provided in JSON or dictionary format.

View Data Source Help

Before configuring a data source, you can use the h <database_type> command to view specific configuration requirements for each data source.

# View the required and optional parameters for a MySQL data source
tap> h mysql
required config:
database: database_name (Type: string)
port: database_port (Type: string)
host: database_host (Type: string)
username: database_username (Type: string)
optional config:
deploymentMode: (Type: string)
Enum values: standalone, master-slave
When value is standalone, requires: host, port
When value is master-slave, requires: masterSlaveAddress
password: database_password (Type: string)
timezone: (Type: string)
Enum values: -11:00, -10:00, -09:00, ...
additionalString: additionalString (Type: string)
masterSlaveAddress: (Type: array)
Array[port: number, host: string]

Explanations of Configuration Parameters

  • required config: Mandatory configuration options, including:
    • database: Name of the database.
    • port: Database port number.
    • host: Database host address.
    • username: Database username.
  • optional config: Optional configuration options, including:
    • deploymentMode: The deployment mode.
    • password: Database password.
    • timezone: Timezone configuration, default is UTC+0. If set to another timezone, it will affect fields without timezone information (e.g., datetime), but will not affect fields with time zones (e.g., timestamp, date, time).
    • masterSlaveAddress: Address of the master-slave setup.

Configuration Example

The following example demonstrates how to create a MySQL data source named MySQL-EcommerceData. The configuration process for other data source types is similar. Simply adjust the configuration details based on the selected data source.

# Define a dictionary to store MySQL data source connection details
mysql_json_config = {
'database': 'ECommerceData', # Database name
'port': 3306, # MySQL port, typically 3306
'host': '', # MySQL host address
'username': 'your_username', # Database username
'password': 'your_password' # Database password

# Initialize a MySQL data source object using the given configuration
mysql_conn = DataSource('mysql', 'MySQL_ECommerce', mysql_json_config)

# Set the data source type to 'source' (source database)

# Save the MySQL data source configuration to TapFlow

# (Optional) To delete the data source configuration, call the delete() method
# mysql_conn.delete()

Output Example

datasource MySQL_ECommerce creating, please wait...                                
save datasource MySQL_ECommerce success, will load schema, please wait...
load schema status: finished

If an error message like load schema status: error appears, it is often due to incorrect permissions or configuration issues. You can try to recreate the source using the same name. The system will display a message like database MySQL_ECommerce exists, will update its config, which means it will overwrite the previous configuration.

See also

Manage data sources with Tap Shell, such as viewing data source status, table structure information, deleting data sources, and other operations.